What is a heart attack? What is the complete and permanent treatment of a heart patient?

 What is a heart attack?

Just as many other blood vessels supply blood to all parts of our body with every heartbeat, there are some blood vessels that supply blood to the heart itself, and blockage in these vessels leads to heart disease. While the complete blockage of some of these vessels results in the deaths of a part of the heart. This process is called a heart attack Myocardial infarction.

(About 1 million people die because of heart attack every year in the world. In Pakistan, 50 heart patients are admitted to the hospital every day.)

You may have heard or seen that a heart attack comes suddenly and takes life. But in reality it is not like that at all. Medical science has proved that the onset of a heart attack, i.e. a blockage in the blood vessels of the heart, is started at least 15 to 18 years before. Gradually this blockage increases and then suddenly the blood vessel is completely blocked resulting in heart attack.

When we consume fried items, ghee and fats in food daily, it increases the cholesterol level in our body and when this cholesterol starts accumulating in the heart blood vessels, it makes these vessels narrow. which causes heart diseases, while the complete blockage of these vessels leads to a heart attack.

Doctors immediately stop a heart patient from eating fatty foods, walking more, working more and talking more. He becomes very sensitive to any sudden news of happiness or sadness. Along with this, he often faces problems like heart pain, irregular or fast heartbeat and shortness of breath.
How can we protect ourselves and our loved ones from deadly diseases like heart disease and heart attack?
We have only two options:
No. 1 Either completely stop consuming all fried, ghee and fats from today or
No.2 Along with all of these things, start consuming foods that will completely prevent all of these fatty foods from causing internal damage and heart disease even if they are absorbed into the body. The decision is ours.
We have for you a great supplement Grape Extract made from the seeds of Red Grapes which reduces cholesterol in the body and completely prevents it from accumulating in the blood vessels.

We have a tea made from five herbs that removes cholesterol from the blood vessels and removes blockages in blood vessels, giving you and your loved ones a heart-healthy life forever.Drink a tea bag daily and stay safe from heart attack for life.

What is the complete and permanent treatment of a heart patient?

Generally, blood flow is improved by inserting stents into the narrowed blood vessels of people suffering from heart disease to temporarily open them, or by bypassing the vessel from another part of the body an alternative path is created for the blood flow by applying it to the heart. Both these remedies are temporary.
A permanent and complete cure is present in the above-mentioned grape extract and herbal tea. With only ten to six month regular use of these two products, many people who were prescribed bypass surgery have recovered completely without surgery.

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