How is the disease of high blood pressure ( Hypertension) developed?
The function of blood in our body is to deliver food to all the billions and trillions of cells in the body. And our heart pushes the blood into the blood vessels and through these vessels the blood reaches all the cells of the body. This is a normal human body system.
An example of this is just like when water is flowing through a water pipe and if you try to squeeze the end of the pipe to narrow the path of the pipe, you will see that the water pressure will increase immediately.
Why does blood pressure increase due to cholesterol?
When we consume oil, ghee and fats in food, it increases the cholesterol level of our body.
Cholesterol causes the red cells in our blood to aggregate to form clots, which causes the blood to thicken. And the thickening of the blood increases the blood pressure.
Why does blood pressure increase due to salt?
Excessive consumption of salt in food affects the body in two ways
No. 1: All the blood vessels in our body have elasticity. Salt causes the blood vessels to harden and narrow by destroying their elasticity which increases blood pressure.
No. 2: Salt and water are closely related. Salt attracts water. This is the reason that due to eating more salt, as long as there is salt in our cells, water also remains in the cells, this process is called water retention.
Due to long stay of water in the cells of the body, the flow of blood through the blood cells is obstructed, due to which the blood pressure increases.
What are the symptoms of blood pressure?
Early morning headache, nosebleeds, buzzing in the ears, irregular heart beat, heart pain in case of very high blood pressure, feeling of stress in the brain, Redness of the hands, feet and especially the face, blurred or double vision, fainting, vomiting, shortness of breath.
What are the main causes of high blood pressure?
High salt intake, low water intake, high fat intake, obesity, diabetes, kidney disease, use of certain drugs, aging, heredity, lack of exercise and lack of balanced diet, anger, mental stress and shouting. .
What are the effects of blood pressure on the body?
If not controlled, blood pressure is the most common disease affecting the body after diabetes. It has the following side effects on the body:
What is the permanent and complete cure for blood pressure?
Medicines that are usually given to control temporarily to blood pressure effects the body in the following ways:
Number 1: Diuretics reduce the ability of the kidneys to absorb water to prevent salt from being absorbed into the blood.
Number 2: Reduces blood pressure by slowing the heart rate eg (Calcium channel blockers/Beta blockers)
Number 3: Temporarily relaxes blood vessels such as ACE Inhibitors.
As indicated by the way the above-mentioned drugs work, it's obvious that they try to control blood pressure by affecting many normal functions in the body.
This is the reason why they have many other side effects like kidney failure, internal structure of blood vessels and heart rhythm problems etc.
For the complete and permanent cure of the dangerous disease like blood pressure, we are going to tell you about a great product that not only has a complete and permanent solution to the problem of blood pressure, but with the use of this one product all around the world. thousands of blood pressure patients, including Pakistan, have forgotten that they once had blood pressure ever.
The name of this great product is Chitosan. It is a very powerful fiber. Its benefits are being researched worldwide and medical doctors in many countries have recommended chitosan as an essential part of the diet.
Research has shown that chitosan has an extraordinary and powerful ability to absorb cholesterol and salt from the body.
Along with this, a very important point has been brought out and which is that people who use chitosan with salt, their blood pressure remains normal despite intaking the salt in their body this is because chitosan does not allow salt to be absorbed into the blood.
And it absorbs both salt and cholesterol and expels them out of the body through waste (i.e. faeces).