The secret of a woman's beauty

What things are included in the beauty of a woman?

No. 1: Beauty of facial features such as eyes, eyebrows, nose, cheeks and lips
No. 2: Soft, smooth, shiny and fair skin.
No. 3: Thick, long and strong hair,
No. 4: Long, full and beautiful nails
No. 5: Body figure, balance in the hips and waist (WHR-Waist to Hip Ratio) (in many women the hips are out of proportion to the waist) and weight (according to BMI).

No. 6: White, full and beautiful teeth
If a women is not beautiful then what problems she has to face?
Problems in having a good spouse, bad relationship with husband, low self-esteem, anxiety and depression, difficulties in getting a good job, facing difficulties in attending weddings and many other occasions in life, difficulties in the choice of clothes, often get anxious, fear of not being liked remains always on the mind, staying away from many social and community activities in life.

What does a woman's beauty depend on?

Nowadays, women spend hundreds of dollars every month on their cosmetics and make-up, but medical science research has proven that 80% of a woman's beauty is directly related to her diet and the minerals and vitamins she consumes daily.
While the items used in cosmetics determine only 20% of a woman's beauty.
This is because the products used in cosmetics do not have the ability to reach the lower layers of the skin and change the structure of the skin cells.
Whereas, if you include all the minerals and vitamins necessary for the beauty of the skin in your diet, it leads to a permanent change in the structure of the skin cells that maintains the beauty of the skin for a long time.

Which nutrients play an important role in a woman's beauty?

Some of the important minerals and vitamins mentioned below are directly related to a woman's skin and it's beauty.
Vitamin A: slows down the process of hair loss, maintains skin moisture and protects against dry skin, is very important for vision.
Vitamin C: The most powerful antioxidant, it increases the quantity and efficiency of Glutathione, a compound in the body responsible for skin whitening, vitamin C protects the skin from radiation and infections, it protects from, plays an important role in wound healing.

Vitamin B Complex: Reduces skin blemishes, spots and circles, especially vitamin B7, which is called Biotin, softens the skin and strengthens the nails.

Plays an important role in skin growth and repair. Our body gets vitamin D from sunlight Vitamin E: Found in our sweat protects skin cells from environmental chemicals and maintains skin moisture and glow. Iron: Delivers oxygen and nutrients to the skin, nails and hair cells and thus is responsible for the strength of the skin, nails and hair.

has a complete cure for almost all skin diseases including acnes, white heads, black heads, pimples, pustules, it eliminates all the problems like dark circles, itchiness and redness on the skin from the root and accelerates the healing process of the wound in the skin tremendously.
No. 1: Adequate consumption of milk, yogurt, eggs, meat and fish should be maintained on a daily basis.
No. 2: At least five to seven fruits should be eaten daily (i.e. mixed fruits).
No. 3: At least three to four vegetables should be mixed daily. (i.e. mix vegetables)
No. 4: Create a mixture in your daily diet i.e. don't eat the same food every day like bread, rice etc.
No. 5: Eat mixed dry fruits in winter.
No. 6: Fresh fruit juice should be drunk daily in the early morning breakfast in summer.

A woman needs to strictly follow the above mentioned 6 guidelines for at least two to four years to protect her skin and make her skin beautiful soft, smooth and glowing just through her daily diet. Is. (It also depends on the age of the woman)
What is the fastest way for a woman to get rid of all her skin problems forever and make her skin completely beautiful?
Answer: If a woman wants to enhance her beauty through her daily diet alone, it is very difficult for her to follow the above 6 guidelines wherever possible.
This is because it is very laborious for a woman to follow a long and complicated diet chart for her daily diet on a daily basis.With the use of these two natural and 100% pure food supplements, thousands and millions of women around the world have become beauty queens.

With the regular use of these food supplements, not only she has been able to transform her normal and ugly looking face into a very special, attractive, charming and beautiful face.
But also, thanks to these two products, they have completely defeated all skin diseases and made their skin firmer, softer, smoother, brighter and free from all kinds of blemishes.
Let's know what these two products are and what makes them so special.

The first product is Spirulina.
It is the most complete and most nutrient dense of all foods on earth. Due to its properties, it is known as a Super Food all around the world.
Spirulina not only contains adequate amounts of almost all the minerals and vitamins required for the beauty and strength of the skin, such as vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin B complex, zinc, iron and selenium.
But also, due to the water soluble protein present in spirulina up to 70%, the ability of all these minerals and vitamins to be absorbed in the body and to meet immediately the needs of the body and skin has been increased many times. .
This is the reason why you can't get results as quickly from your daily diet as you can get from consuming just two or three capsules of spirulina per day.
2nd product is zinc supplement
You have read above about the role of zinc in strengthening the skin and treating skin diseases, but a very important issue is that the amount of zinc that our body absorbs from our daily diet is usually less than the zinc required by the body and skin. It is only 20 to 40 percent of the quantity. Moreover, as with the age, our ability to absorb zinc from food also decreases.

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